Main objectives
- Motivating K-12 students toward science and engineering (including focus on math)
- Promoting science and engineering among students by engaging teachers and parents (community) – an integrated approach
- Providing financial support in various forms to enhance AASEE’s mission
- Doing research in science and engineering education along AASEE’s mission
Target groups
- K-12, i.e., pre-university level students
- Science and math educators at K-12 level
- Community (parents)
Priority groups
Priority will be given to diverse populations, such as
- First nations peoples in Canada
- Girls (promoting women in science and engineering)
- Recent immigrants
- Schools in small towns and rural areas
- People in financial need
Scope of operations
- Science and engineering education in general with a priority in energy, environment, safety, health, IT, etc.
- Operating in Alberta and across Canada
- K-12 (pre-university) level
- Students, teachers, and community
Sampler of Student Programs
- Hands-on activities
- Motivational talks by experts from academia and industry
- Innovative group projects
- Group research
- Tours to universities, research labs, museums, industry, etc.
- Science fairs
- Summer schools
Sampler of Science Teacher Programs
- Workshops and training
- Hands-on activities for teachers
- Providing resources
Evaluating the success of all activities and programs over a shorter or longer period
Recognizing outstanding performance by students and teachers in multiple ways, including medals, awards, prizes, scholarships, etc.